Founded in 2010 – Perfekt Energy (PE) provides Solar PV (Domestic, Commercial, Industrial and Telecom Towers), Hydropower, Wind, Solar Water Heating, and Biomass technologies-based consultancies and solutions on a turnkey basis.

With the TURNKEY approach, we offer a technically and economically assessed net metering (NM) based solar PV system with a lifetime of 25 years.

NM provides an opportunity to produce electricity, use it for your load and excess energy export to the grid. At the end of each month, both electricity import and export are netted off, the balance in your favour is credited to your electricity bill otherwise you have to pay the balance.

Perfekt Energy supplies and installs top-class quality solar equipment with maximum available guarantees. The team at Perfekt Energy ensures the best quality installations to avoid any difficulties and minimize the downtime of solar power plants installed at your premises.

Perfekt Energy also provides consultancy services to NM Solar Vendors of Pakistan in preparation for successful application proposals for their AEDB Certification for any region/category.

Perfekt Energy also provides installation services to AEDB-certified vendors for NM Solar PV projects they secured.